Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Life since 4/9/07

What has been going on since the last blog? Where does one begin?

Laura is better at lycee, though we have had one headache experience when, once again, she ended up in hospital for two hours. Better than the week she had there in May with suspected meningitus. She has had her eyes tested so now has to wear glasses. I hope this does the trick as the next thing is a brain scan. I bet her father gipped at the 445 euros for the glasses for her. We daren't tell him he owes me 66 euros for the doctors and opticians appointments. He gets it back through his Social Security.

At least she like her course this year, so apart from the boarding we are halfway there.

No news from her sister or her brother, so I don't know how the apprenticeship is going.
Will probably see Thomas at the weekend when I go and beg for my 66 euros!

My husband was just finishing ploughing on the Wednesday 6th, when the tractor caught fire!
It's now a burnt out shell on the field, and we're waiting to see what the insurance will give us. As it was 27 years old I am not holding my breath for the cost of a new John Deere! It was quite an emotional experience as the tractor was part of my divorce settlement! He is a really nice man, my ex! Even Laura was a bit upset as shee remembers sleeping in the footwell whilst I was baling or wrapping bales in Cumbria. As I said, like my marriage, the tractor went up in flames!

The weather has been good, no rain for 4 weeks so in theory we should be well up in the ploughing and field prep. stakes. However, with no tractor we are, as usual, late with everything.

David went on a Chambre d'Agriculture day yesterday. It was lovely, once I had moved the neighbours sheep off our field, to have a bit of p&q on my own. He caused a stir by telling everyone I was left cutting wood for the winter though. We'll need it now it has suddenly gone a bit cold.

Today I was given 2 hours to clean the house before some people came to look round. I really need at least a day (or two), but it was presentable, and after being told off for not helping David kept them outside until I went to greet them! If nothing else happens, at least the house will be clean for a bit.

On Friday we are going to a bull sale and staying there for lunch. I wonder which poor French farmers will draw the short straw and sit next to us?


Debra in France said...

Hi there
You have certainly been busy. Thank goodness Laura only has to wear glasses and not have a brain scan. Fingers crossed for the insurance money to pay out a decent amount.

Where do you live in France? We are in the Haute Vienne (87). We just had 4 chords of wood delivered which had to be stacked - I've got muscles like Rambo now!!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

So your tractor caught fire then? Thank goodness there was only the loss of equipment and someting that is now definitely part of your past. I hope you get a decent settlement and the purhase of a nice shiny new tractor that will last you for may years to come! Keep posting - I enjoy your scribes.

Pig in the Kitchen said...

Hope Laura is doing ok, that all sounds rather scary.

As does the tractor fire...


Mean Mom said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your life obviously gets a bit complicated, at times!

I am glad that Laura likes her course, at least, and I hope that boarding becomes easier for her.

Isn't is difficult, when one(or even all) of your offspring is a bit unhappy about something, because you, as a mother, often 'end up' feeling worse than they do!

My son has also started a nursing course, at uni and would like to do geriatric nursing.

The tractor episode was a bit disastrous. Hope it has a happy ending.