Sunday, 24 October 2010

Happy Hols.

Would put bonne vacances, or is it bon vacances? I'm sure someone will put me right.

Depart this morning for the UK, but can't sleep anymore, so instead of tossing and turning thought I'd do a quick blog. Am picking LD up at 9.00 a.m.ish and going with the satnav up to Dunkirk. It was a worry last week with the diesel situation, but I managed to fill both the van (for OH while I'm away) and the car up last week.

It's good going with Laura as she is very easy company, and she looks after the music en route. As we go through Paris, though, I don't think we'll have Tina blasting her tonsils. I need concentration music, if any at all.

I hope that when we get to the port the weather is not too bad, no wind. I'm not a good sailor, in fact I could get sick on a lake! Anyway, we'll have a meal and a small glass of something to soothe the tummy, and then set off for Leicester once we get on the other side. Mum has already got the whisky ready!

And tomorrow? We're off to the Lakes for 2 days to see Thomas.

Did I say bonne vacances? These trips back somehow don't seem like a holiday. See you all when I get back.


Dolores Doolittle said...

Hello f-f - hope you have a Joyous time in the Old Country.

(Can't believe you're Driving through Paris though - I'd have hitchhiked the whole way up in preference)! However, I'm sure that by now your Extreme Courage has whizzed you up to the port and you can enjoy yourself hugely from now on!

farming-frenchstyle said...

Joyous? Exhausting more like. Paris, on route to UK, was a doddle, a bit busy coming back though.

UK, roads, shops and everywhere, very "full". Glad to be back.